Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Doing Happy Testing Any How :P :)
Here i mentioned "We" as dev team, some times can include me in to it, :)
We respect the core pack issues., But all the times not., Which is sad thing., :(
We spend much time in intermittent bugs. (Include me too in this 'We' :) )
We listen carefully about the usability bugs :) as but some times said its 'not an issue'.
We had set constrain for user access in application in our mind.
We don think like, user has no limits and he/she can do what ever he/she want to do.
we give importance to quality about the project. This is Good., :)
We conscious to deliver the project on time. This is too Good :)
We want to get good feedback from client, but our face not turned to small even if we get poor comments from them.,
We love to do our work, we love to finish it on time for that we take risk even work in the middle of the night too.,
Friday, 12 December 2014
Mud Lamps
Me and father went to a shop to purchase mud lamps for Karthikai Deepam festival. Shop keeper told us to pick by own because there is more chance to find damages ones.So we collected lamps in the baskets.
I remember the same happened a year before, I came to same shop to purchase lamps. On that time, i collected more lamps compared to my father. Still remember my dad was smiled and appreciated me.
But this time, i not even collect 20, but my dad saved 2 boxes. What happened with in the year. With in the year i become software tester, J and the number of mud lamps selected was less than number of them i rejected. The work i do and time are same in the two process, yet the perception is different. Most of the time “How we do” meant along than “What we do” is important, that the thing i understand.
Monday, 29 September 2014
Learning Testing Concepts
Started to read, as usual after the two pages it seems difficult to understand the things mentioned in it.,
Again got failed, not works even practice the same mentioned in the document.,
Google it find documents, process goes on..,
(Am not write this post with irritation but with sorrow.., )
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Me, Myself, and I, which includes you—
one was born in the city; one was born in the country;
one was born somewhere under the sky.
And we grew up in the city; we grew up in the country;
we grew up somewhere—we knew not why.
We three, became the centre of our surroundings,
of our world, of our universe.
Nothing was more important than “I”.
Our children came first; in our job, we were immersed;
and for fun and food, we did thirst.
We followed the ways of the world.
No, our possessions came first; yet for pleasures, we did thirst;
to be blunt, “in Myself” was I immersed.
Seems like all came before God, including “I”.
I loved to talk, but Myself was shy;
Me just loved to find things to buy.
We followed the ways of the world.
We lived in a mansion; we lived on the street.
We were rich and had nothing to eat.
We followed the ways of the world.
We laughed; and we cried.
We were glad; and we sighed.
We followed the ways of the world.
Me, Myself and I, we were joyful; and we were mad.
We were good; and we were bad.
We followed the ways of the world.
We had love; and we had hate.
We had anger, which was great.
We set our hearts on the things of this world.
We used the world; the world used us.
We told the truth, and we lied—
but our eyes were never satisfied.
We followed the ways of the world.
We tried women; we tried men.
We tried drugs; we tried sin.
We followed the ways of the world.
We were single; we were married.
We had children; and some we buried.
We followed the ways of the world.
We knew what we’d done.
We tried everything under the sun.
We travelled all over the world.
We had grief; we had fun.
We had sorrow; we had none.
We followed the ways of the world.
We had a great job; we also had none.
We were old; and we were young.
We followed the ways of the world.
We went to the east. We went to the west.
We tried philosophies. We tried all the best.
We followed the ways of the world.
We did everything there was that was under the sun,
to get some pleasure, to get some fun.
Yet all was vanity—
As we followed the ways of this world.
We thought no one cared. We felt so sad.
We felt rejected. We felt so bad.
We followed the ways of the world.
We were sure we were right,
certainly in our own sight.
We liked the preaching that said—
To follow the ways of the world.
Our children grew; some prospered, some died.
Our sisters passed on; we hurt and cried.
They all followed the ways of the world.
Me, Myself, and I—
our mother died; our father cried.
We wanted to live; we wanted to die.
But we followed the ways of the world.
Then a day came that Jesus called,
but Myself had said, “No,” and “I” had stalled.
Because we followed the ways of this world.
Me, Myself and I, and You:
we were religious, and we were hot;
but toward Jesus—we were not.
We followed the ways of the world.
We heard God’s Word; we rejected God’s Word.
We saw a great light, but we chose the night.
We followed the ways of the world.
We had lived without Christ.
In our sight, this was right.
We had rejected God’s Word,
which we had heard. God help us—
We had followed the ways of the world.
And then one day, I was struck by a car;
Myself got sick; my body was marred,
by a dog I got bit.
And I wondered about the ways of the world.
Then as the lights got dim and the darkness set in,
we looked back at our life; we considered our sin.
We had followed the ways of the world.
But we never knew life was only a test.
We never considered about the rest.
For we had followed the ways of the world.
There is life after death? And where would we be?
We wanted to know, but we couldn’t see.
For we had followed the ways of the world.
And then our eyes closed, and we were shocked to find—
No peace ahead, no peace of mind.
Because we had followed the ways of the world.
We had the chance; life was the test.
The world praised us, as we were laid to rest.
We were faithful to the ways of the world.
The clergy proclaimed that when we had died,
we had gone to a far better place—but they lied.
For we had followed the ways of the world.
Now, I greatly fear God, as the Bible had said.
But now it’s too late; and what is ahead, I dread.
For I had followed the ways of the world.
Then came the day
that we joined the others that chose the wrong path,
that chose the wrong way.
They followed the ways of the world.
And then Me, and Myself, and I were judged.
Terrified were we, as we heard God speak—
I know you not, depart from Me,
ye that work iniquity.
For we had followed the ways of the world.
To the fire, we went—to eternal torment.
It is for all that follow the ways of this world.
There is no pride here.
Can’t you see? can’t you hear?
the weeping and gnashing of teeth?
The worms cover us; my tongue, it burns.
Oh, for a sip of cool water, my tongue does yearn!
The darkness is thick, my flesh is so sick.
Don’t follow the ways of the world.
So stupid was I, to reject God’s Son,
to reject His Word, so I could have fun.
I followed the ways of the world.
And what will you do?
When you come where I am,
and for time without end,
you will pay for your sin.
For You also—
follow the ways of the world.
I read this poem recently( and means to me a lot,
specially these lines:
"But we never knew life was only a test.
We never considered about the rest. "...,
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Indian General Election 2014 in Tester's View :)
1) Number of candidates who are all compete in my city their background, Qualification, experience, past achievements, good deeds done by them to society etc., etc., and who belong to which party.,
2)What are the promises given by the candidates.
3)What are the things done by previous elected candidate(If that candidate still in race means).
4)What are all actual needs we have in our city.
5)what are the problems we have faced in our city and whether those things are rectified by previous candidate or not?
6)Do the candidate have aware about those needs and problems.
7)Do the candidate gave promise to solve those needs and problems.
8)Do the candidate have courage, good communication, and analytical skills.
9)Do the candidate respect the people as people.
10)Do the candidate have strong vision and plans to lead our city/country towards growth.
11)Do the candidates have ears to hear their people voice and their needs.
12)Do the candidate have clear hands, don have want in money(strongly against to the corruption.)-Its important, its very important to the country now.
I wrote the content, and asked my team mate Sathish to review it. He gave me idea to share it in different style. He spent his precious time and make my content more beautiful.Credits goes to him. :) Thank you Sathish :)
What the mind set is this..??? :(
If i note that there are more coins exists mentioned amount means, i started to the count again, i thought am not correct with the counting.,!
what the mind set is this..!!??!! :(
1)Started to blame others when loss is for myself means.,
2)Started to recheck my work if the loss is not for me means recheck the work i've done to ensure.
3)Am not recheck the count to ensure..
Am not do this things with my full will, but my mind automatically think like that., don know where the origin was.,I realize above points when i count coins last time and as a tester.,
I hope, i should not do above mistakes when i count coins in next time., :)
Thank God!
Friday, 21 March 2014
Subjective Explanation
After posting more than 15 posts, i just look on my previous ones, had a smile and observe one thing, that all my post are specking about my hard times, failures which i faced in software testing industry.
Oh! My God! am not even having one good thing happen in my work to share?
So sad., :( Actually, i love to share the things which i have learned to others, and i love more to share good and positive things.
I don wanna fill my pages with the definitions like, What is mean by software testing? what is unit testing?? and all.,
I just want to make a record that what the software testing means to me, how the definitions and theorems i learned/learning in school/college/and in Google help me to do my work effective.
I hope, i'll come with some good posts in future(Jesus, help me with this., :)).,
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Test case writing
But now a days, 'Testcase Writing" considered as ancient process. And why it considered not at all suitable to for current trends?
Monday, 17 March 2014
Tester's Prayer
Thank you so much for being with me,
Guide me to find all the bugs early in the project., and give me the wisdom to post the bugs as detail as possible, so that developer understand and resolved it soon.
Give me patient, to deal hard times and problems in my team, project with smooth way. Enable me to be a peace maker and to give full support to developer and team to solve the issue.
In Jesus name i pray., Amen.,
Bug in Reopen state.., still..,
2)bug not get resolved as like the way the tester want.
3)The bug not get resolved as like way mentioned in the document.
First point is deal with developer,no action took place in the application, relevant to the bug. So the bug exists in the recent iteration too.
Other 2 points, is about variations of Expected Results of the application.
Yes, the tester's expectation and the actual functionality may get differ some times. why this mismatch happen?
The project has document specifications, those data not transfered properly to testing team.
There is no test cases document prepared and maintained for the application or there may be a test case document exists but with out expected result column.
What? Test case document with out expected result column?
yes, some times test cases document prepared as per the code works. How means, tester executes the code and understand the functionality and prepare test cases based on this.
Tester did the test with the application with their own heuristic way.
So when the bug get resolved?
simple, the actual requirement of the project should know by development and testing team to come across this kind of mismatches.
Friday, 14 March 2014
Tester's Prayer
Web Development->Website Design and Development page:
Appropriate tab doesn’t highlighted in 'Related Services' block in right navigation bar while the same page get displayed.
What to enter in this field, i feel so sad..,
Lord, Please give me the good hard working team which is always treating a men as men.., From that team i have to shine to glorify your name., Lord i give this issue in your feet as per bible say, cast your burdens upon me". Lord you are my Shepherd enable me to hear your words rather than the words of men. Father you know the problem which is happened here., and u know my heart, i bow my self at your feet.., lord plz plz forgive me for my useless words. your mercy is endure for ever. You are my Saviour lord.., Plz help me, i never behave like this.., Please be have patient on me.., In Lord Jesus Christ name i pray.., Amen..,
Thank you so much for hear my prayers..,
Monday, 3 March 2014
Some points to share...,
- Don let the developers find bugs in your bug report.See, a tester hide in every human in the world.
- Don command the developer, you are not the captain of the ship mind it. EX: The title should be in centered alignment. Above line should not be in bug summary or description, may exists in the Expected Result area as per requirement.
- Tester's success is on quality of the End product, not only finding number of bugs in application(But this one too important).
- There is no use of your bug report, if those things are not accepted and fixed by development team means. this is the greatest failure of tester.
- While testing the application, go through some of modules or functions you feel it darkened, and you need more clarifications regarding the module/function means, don hesitate to contact fellow tester/developer. You are the first client of the application, so you have to be know all things about application.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Completed? Not completed; Not completed? Completed
Tester playing this game every of task and every day.
Some times say completed, but not completed yet. and some times will say not completed even completed with that.
We cant say this tester saying lie, same time its not true fully. let say this partial true, partial lie :) The worst case in this is tester don know some situations whether completed or not completed. what to do say this case..? :)
This game not at all give joy or happiness but have to play with even don’t like it. Most of the testers in the world playing(shrinking) this game with pain i guess.
Oh! My God! When will this tester get out and set free from this game? :(
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Don speck with out proof
All because, Anything may happen to the software at any time. You see, we cant able to be sure whether we have the same tested code moved to live all times., You don know, you cant able to control the things happened in software beyond your hands.
One software tested by the tester and got approved by him after the 10+ number of iterations. Finally code get moved to live server, One particular scenario not work properly in live server, client experience the same issues and shoot out to tester. Tester got amazed, because that particular case already raised as bug by him and get closed in one of the iteration, but now the issue exists in live server.,
There may be number of reasons behind the scene.
Tester raised N number of bugs in first iteration send the report to development team. Development team fixed the bugs and sent updated code to tester. Again tester tested the application, cross verify the N number of bugs get resolved or not, if the bugs resolved means change the status of the bug, if not means reopen it and sent report to development team, same time this iteration test again found N+ bugs. In third iteration, tester test with the reopen bugs and the new one raised in iteration 2. So then what will happen to the bugs closed state in Iteration 2 ?
Normally the testing time gradually decreases in every additional iterations. so is in it possible to to test all the test cases in every iteration? It is a challenging thing to deal with, :(
Monday, 27 January 2014
Why the Bug posted by tester get rejected by developer as "Not an Issue"?
Case #2 Dev team misunderstood the scenario mentioned in bug report.
Tester only needs to take full responsible for both cases. In first one, lack of understanding of the project leads to raise functionality of the application itself as bug.
- Tester consider the one action exists in application as bug.
- So she/he try to reproduce it 2 more times.
- Note the steps to reproduce the issue.
- Took screen shots and mentioned the bug exists in application in that image.
- Wrote a bug report, set priority and severity. (Any how, all this process took at least 15 mints i guess. :) )
- After that the bug sent to developer team.
- Developer read the bug report.
- Get confused himself/herself.
- Try to reproduce the bug using the steps.
- And search the Documents and verify whether its an issue.
- Found the same mentioned in document as functionality.
- Told this very good news to fellow developer and laugh/irritate some times.
- Forward the same message to their head.
- Head look on to the bug and verify it with the documents.
- Confirm it is an functionality and not an issue.
- And Mentioned the same status in bug report.
Oops! it is a loooooooooong process, even a single issue ate precious time of entire team.
And in second case, tester is not like to write a bug report like poem, even if it is not understood by developer means, may following are the reason:
- Scenario mentioned by tester not having clear steps: Developer cant able to reproduce the bug by the mentioned steps.
- Required info not exists in bug report: some of the bugs only exists for certain type of input data and precondition., In this situation tester should mention test data(it may by a file, info, etc)and pre condition properly.
- Spelling and Grammatical mistakes leads to confusions in development team end.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Testers are not Prophets but have to be while reporting a Bug.
Summary: In application XYZ, Form ABC doesn’t get submit properly.
Steps to reproduce:
Enter the web link in browser.
Enter data in ABC form in that page.
Click on 'Submit' button and verify.
Expected Result:
Form should submitted, success message should display properly.
Actually Result:
Blocker error page get displayed while click on 'Submit' button means.
Risk: Cant able to receive the data entered by user in that form by admin.
Tester finish the 1st iteration and sent a Test Result to development team. After a long time, tester received testing pack to do iteration 2 test.
What happen to that bug At Iteration 2:
Actual Result: Iteration 2
Blocker error page doesnt get displayed while click on 'Submit' button but at the same ABC form doesn't get submitted. No action took place while click on Submit button.
Tester finish the 2nd iteration, sent a Test Result to development team. After a short time, tester received testing pack to do iteration 3 test.
Actual Result: Iteration 3
Form get submitted, admin receives the data entered in the form by user. But while click on 'Submit' more than a time that much time admin receives ABC form info.
Risk: Admin receive duplicate data from front end.
Process goes on like this.....,
Actual Result: Iteration 4
Form get submitted, admin receives the data entered in the form by user. But while click on 'Submit' form get closed immediately but still the web page get loading, while stop web page loading means, admin not receive the ABC from details.
Risk: User consider that from get submitted while click on submit button and close the application immediately. But web page took some time to submit the form, If user close the application immediately while after submit the form meas, there may be a chance to loose user ABC form info.
Actual Result: Iteration 5
Processing symbol get displayed while click on Submit button in ABC form. can able to edit the from text fields while it get processing.
Actual Result:Iteration 6
There is no end for this :)
Is this issue get fixed at less number of iteration, while tester write Expected Result as follows means?
Expected Result: Iteration 1
Form should submitted while click on 'Submit' button.
success message should display properly.
While click on 'Submit' button more than a time means, form should not submitted that much time.
Admin should not receives duplicate entry.
Form should not be editable while submit action processing it means.
Form should submitted properly, even if user close the application immediately.
I've write this Expected Result after a N number of iterations., Is in it possible to write the same in First iteration itself..? :)
TESTERS ARE NOT PROPHETS., If they may be some times, this case their prophesy doesnt get right at all the case.
Testing Completed?
But most of the situation, it consider as task.., :)
Consider the Text Field in one form, that accept numeric value 10 to 9654321987946545. Testers may write test cases for field, so many different input data and may try to automate and check with more number of test data with that field., Well, after all process, can able to assure 100% the field never accept invalid data??
In Some other way, Completing test comes under some different scenarios : Time, Money,Number of Passed Test cases, Standard that client want.., etc., Answer given by most of the managers(i guess) based on this criteria itself.
In Software testing, we have more than 250 types. Load test, Stress test, Integration test, User acceptance test,White box test,soak test, volume test, negative/positive test, ad-hoc test, Exploratory test, static, dynamic test.., etc., etc.,
Even if test the software with that more than 250 types, after that too, its impossible give the answer as 'Yes' for this question, "Is it complete testing?". Because as all we know Software is versatile, continuously changing thing, cant able to freeze unless if it is not in use. :)
Why do we cant able to complete the test yet?
Last two decade Software testing field has much growth., we have N number of tools/resources(Yes, they not enough, and not enough tested itself :) ) in our hands to do the test effectively. But yet why do we cant able to attain 100% test completion., ?
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Little Girl and her Mistress
So she stopped to wash the clothes and went to kitchen and prepare food.Old lady shouted, 'i am hungry'. Girl prepared it fast, finish the cooking and gave food to her mistress.
Then she started to put soap for all the clothes, her mistress again call her to clean the dining table. so she went to dining hall and clean the table.Old lady went to sleep after the lunch, and the girl continued to put soap for the clothes, she was very careful and make sure whether the soap removes the dirt.
But she cant able to make one dirty white frock of her mistress in to clean white,she used more soap to make it white. But she cant so she decided to use brush for that, went to her mistress bed room and asked brush to wash cloths., Her mistress got angry. She doesn't hear anything from her and shouted girl to get out.
That little girl got feared, ran away from there and continue to wash the clothes. She used more soap for the dress to make it more white, she spent more time on it.
Old lady came to check whether the girl working or not, and asked to her when will finish this work? Little girl had no answer for it, because she needs to put soap for more than one bucket cloths. She humbly replied to her mistress, will try to finish it soon. Old lady said her, "you have to finish this work before evening(time was already 4pm.) and you have other works after this one, need to clean the house and prepare dinner.
She doesn't wait for her answer and went to room, litter girl did the work fastly, Put soap for all the clothes and started to rinse them.She had 4 buckets of water, rinse each cloth in 4 buckets of water and put it in hanger.
A hour later,mistress came to her and asked whether the work get finished? Maiden girl said,"need to rinse all the dresses".She replied to work quickly and finish it soon. little girl start to rinse even faster. After that, old lady came to her more than 3 times and instruct her to finish the work soon. Girl got feared about her mistress and try to finish it with in hour.,
she knew it was impossible to rinse all the dresses with in a hour. She rinsed the dress in 4 buckets of water, after 30 mints she started to rinse the clothes with 3 buckets of water and put it into hanger, again after 15 mints she rinse the cloths with 2 buckets of water. She got finished the work any how. Her mistress appreciate her work and urged her to prepare dinner for her. little girl slowly walk to the kitchen room....,
In The Whole World!
Language is different gesture is same. Culture is different emotions are same. Situations are different feelings are same. Being toget...
Once upon a time, a mother wrote letter to her spouse who is father of little kid and it goes like this.., Being a father is not at all si...
A tester is to test the application. A tester is to work with developer to fix problems occur in the application. A tester is to encourage...
Once upon a time there lived two girls. They are very good friends. They love each other. They studied together, work together. And they got...