Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

In The Whole World!

Language is different gesture is same.

Culture is different emotions are same.

Situations are different feelings are same.

Being together, Lifestyle is different, Love is same.

Yes, Love is same, Feelings are same, All over the world.

"Being Kind" is appreciated All over the world.

Kindness is same. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Look, what you make me!

You make me rude.

You make me sad.

You make me shout.

You make me to be not me.

And you calling me disaster.


You make me cry.

You make me low.

You make me void.

You broke me like mirror.

And you calling me scene maker.


You make me Silent.

You make me strong.

You make me stood firm.

You make me to see me as I wish to be,

You calling me crazy.

Now I calling myself 'Empowering girl'.

Monday, 9 January 2023

Dear Lady!

Every day,

You never fail to make tea

You never miss the bus

Never late to pack lunch

Never forget to wish

Never late to work

You never lack of items in your pantry

You never choose to be excuses

You never stubborn to your elders

You never not far from your young ones.


You care

You love

You smile

You be for them

You never tell these to them.


You know,

You won’t get rewards

You never be appreciated

You can’t speak some times.

Love you spread wont bounce back to you sometimes,

You know.

And you be for them

You never tell these to them.

And at hard times,

You need them to support

At in happy days,

You assist them to celebrate

They never know


You be the love

You are super active

You never get tired

You have long days

Ever you watch over them


And you never too late to compromise

You be the first to speak after fight

You understand what they understand

You ready to bow down yourself

All of these,

They may think you never gain anything

It’s all vein.

But, you know, your rewards

Come from God

Not from them.

You make tea

You pack lunch

You wish people

You check with pantry

You look upon them

God look upon you

Dear lady.

Friday, 6 January 2023


All rolling days

Nightmare of blood stains 

Weeping under the pillow 

No one cares

Burning stomach 

Storm of cramps 

Lonely laugh

And those days seem 

Heavier and harder 

What is it meant by strength? 

What is it meant by potential? 

Asking myself 

Hiding all hurt and smiling is strength??!! 

No, not

Oh!  Dear Lady 

Overcoming the fear of saying No is your strength. 

By knowing what you can, what not is your true potential.

Love yourself, to become stronger and powerful.

And I Promise 

Love overcomes Fear.  

Monday, 2 January 2023


 She is not like flower, Idol, or like anything.

She is being.

She can think.

She can understand.

She has some reasons to smile and cry for.., 

She may have some dreams and wishes to follow on.., 

She is being..  

Friday, 11 November 2022

Remember the versus, "Love yourself"

Come out of those ten songs.

Come out of those four series.

Come out of those twenty dishes and tasks.

Just come out. 

Try something new today.

Today itself, not tomorrow dear girl.

Days of life is going.

Do some good things to you

First and then to others. 

Remember the versus "Love yourself.".

Come out of Tears. 

Come out of Anger.

Come out of all your inabilities.

Come out of shyness, sickness 

All those sticky notes of afflictions in heart

Never gonna do anything to you

Anytime anycost 

Just come out all of it

Love yourself as you Love others

Value yourself as you value others. 

Friday, 16 April 2021


He doesn't  know whether she is doing well or not. 

He doesn't  hear her scary dreams.

He doesn't mind about her sleepless nights!

He have no clue why she is not talking things now a days.

He doesn't know how hard her mind shouts behind the silence lips.

He doesn't see her darker shade of smile in face.

He doesn't know how sad all her green dreams turns vain.

All those tears spill and run with washing vessel water.

All those happy days vaporized with cooker whistle in Kitchen.

He doesn't know How she loved Cooking so much once upon a time.

Monday, 30 November 2020


We're not together now, we're not speaking much. And yet I know that, you believe in your daughter like no other do in this world. 

I don't do anything to you.  But yet you look me like small girl, concern and love you pour me is not a bit changed even I grow. 

You are not looked un to your benefit,  but you concerned about my dreams. You the one who had strong faith in me even I was nothing that time. 

 I remember the day I hold your hand and walked into church in my wedding, and yes still you holding me put me up to do something better in life. You are my real super hero.  

Im not telling these things to you appa. But yet you know that your daughter loves you more than anything in this whole world.,  

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Father's Day

Once upon a time, a mother wrote letter to her spouse who is father of little kid and it goes like this..,  

Being a father is not at all simple thing. The toughest role in the world is being Good Father.

 We can't take this for granted. If we really love our child, we must show her each and every time. It not just like buying things what she likes it. 

Listen, Time is more important than Money. People are more important than Time. Such Good Memories are even important than anything.

 Try to create so cool memories with your daughter.She loves you more than me. She admire you more than anything else. She believes in you more than this whole world.

 You are her mirror, she gonna see the world through you.  Try to show her something beautiful side of it. 

 Because our happiness is there in her happiness. Let her be happy. Happy Father's Day.  You are the father of two beautiful girls 🙂 Be concerned about it. 

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


(A Poem About the World)
Me, Myself, and I, which includes you—
one was born in the city; one was born in the country;
one was born somewhere under the sky.

And we grew up in the city; we grew up in the country;
we grew up somewhere—we knew not why.
We three, became the centre of our surroundings,
of our world, of our universe.
Nothing was more important than “I”.

Our children came first; in our job, we were immersed;
and for fun and food, we did thirst.
We followed the ways of the world.

No, our possessions came first; yet for pleasures, we did thirst;
to be blunt, “in Myself” was I immersed.
Seems like all came before God, including “I”.

I loved to talk, but Myself was shy;
Me just loved to find things to buy.
We followed the ways of the world.


We lived in a mansion; we lived on the street.
We were rich and had nothing to eat.
We followed the ways of the world.

We laughed; and we cried.
We were glad; and we sighed.
We followed the ways of the world.

Me, Myself and I, we were joyful; and we were mad.
We were good; and we were bad.
We followed the ways of the world.

We had love; and we had hate.
We had anger, which was great.
We set our hearts on the things of this world.

We used the world; the world used us.
We told the truth, and we lied—
but our eyes were never satisfied.
We followed the ways of the world.

We tried women; we tried men.
We tried drugs; we tried sin.
We followed the ways of the world.

We were single; we were married.
We had children; and some we buried.
We followed the ways of the world.

We knew what we’d done.
We tried everything under the sun.
We travelled all over the world.

We had grief; we had fun.
We had sorrow; we had none.
We followed the ways of the world.

We had a great job; we also had none.
We were old; and we were young.
We followed the ways of the world.

We went to the east. We went to the west.
We tried philosophies. We tried all the best.
We followed the ways of the world.

We did everything there was that was under the sun,
to get some pleasure, to get some fun.
Yet all was vanity—
As we followed the ways of this world.

We thought no one cared. We felt so sad.
We felt rejected. We felt so bad.
We followed the ways of the world.

We were sure we were right,
certainly in our own sight.
We liked the preaching that said—
To follow the ways of the world.


Our children grew; some prospered, some died.
Our sisters passed on; we hurt and cried.
They all followed the ways of the world.

Me, Myself, and I—
our mother died; our father cried.
We wanted to live; we wanted to die.
But we followed the ways of the world.


Then a day came that Jesus called,
but Myself had said, “No,” and “I” had stalled.
Because we followed the ways of this world.

Me, Myself and I, and You:
we were religious, and we were hot;
but toward Jesus—we were not.
We followed the ways of the world.

We heard God’s Word; we rejected God’s Word.
We saw a great light, but we chose the night.
We followed the ways of the world.

We had lived without Christ.
In our sight, this was right.
We had rejected God’s Word,
which we had heard. God help us—
We had followed the ways of the world.


And then one day, I was struck by a car;
Myself got sick; my body was marred,
by a dog I got bit.
And I wondered about the ways of the world.

Then as the lights got dim and the darkness set in,
we looked back at our life; we considered our sin.
We had followed the ways of the world.

But we never knew life was only a test.
We never considered about the rest.
For we had followed the ways of the world.

There is life after death? And where would we be?
We wanted to know, but we couldn’t see.
For we had followed the ways of the world.

And then our eyes closed, and we were shocked to find—
No peace ahead, no peace of mind.
Because we had followed the ways of the world.

We had the chance; life was the test.
The world praised us, as we were laid to rest.
We were faithful to the ways of the world.

The clergy proclaimed that when we had died,
we had gone to a far better place—but they lied.
For we had followed the ways of the world.

Now, I greatly fear God, as the Bible had said.
But now it’s too late; and what is ahead, I dread.
For I had followed the ways of the world.


Then came the day
that we joined the others that chose the wrong path,
that chose the wrong way.
They followed the ways of the world.

And then Me, and Myself, and I were judged.
Terrified were we, as we heard God speak—
I know you not, depart from Me,
ye that work iniquity.
For we had followed the ways of the world.

To the fire, we went—to eternal torment.
It is for all that follow the ways of this world.

There is no pride here.
Can’t you see? can’t you hear?
the weeping and gnashing of teeth?

The worms cover us; my tongue, it burns.
Oh, for a sip of cool water, my tongue does yearn!

The darkness is thick, my flesh is so sick.
Don’t follow the ways of the world.
So stupid was I, to reject God’s Son,
to reject His Word, so I could have fun.
I followed the ways of the world.
And what will you do?
When you come where I am,
and for time without end,
you will pay for your sin.
For You also—
follow the ways of the world.

I read this poem recently( and means to me a lot,
specially these lines:
"But we never knew life was only a test.
We never considered about the rest.

In The Whole World!

Language is different gesture is same. Culture is different emotions are same. Situations are different feelings are same. Being toget...