Tester A, test the application at first time and raised number of bugs. Following bug is too the one of them.
Summary: In application XYZ, Form ABC doesn’t get submit properly.
Steps to reproduce:
Enter the web link in browser.
Enter data in ABC form in that page.
Click on 'Submit' button and verify.
Expected Result:
Form should submitted, success message should display properly.
Actually Result:
Blocker error page get displayed while click on 'Submit' button means.
Risk: Cant able to receive the data entered by user in that form by admin.
Tester finish the 1st iteration and sent a Test Result to development team. After a long time, tester received testing pack to do iteration 2 test.
What happen to that bug At Iteration 2:
Actual Result: Iteration 2
Blocker error page doesnt get displayed while click on 'Submit' button but at the same ABC form doesn't get submitted. No action took place while click on Submit button.
Tester finish the 2nd iteration, sent a Test Result to development team. After a short time, tester received testing pack to do iteration 3 test.
Actual Result: Iteration 3
Form get submitted, admin receives the data entered in the form by user. But while click on 'Submit' more than a time that much time admin receives ABC form info.
Risk: Admin receive duplicate data from front end.
Process goes on like this.....,
Actual Result: Iteration 4
Form get submitted, admin receives the data entered in the form by user. But while click on 'Submit' form get closed immediately but still the web page get loading, while stop web page loading means, admin not receive the ABC from details.
Risk: User consider that from get submitted while click on submit button and close the application immediately. But web page took some time to submit the form, If user close the application immediately while after submit the form meas, there may be a chance to loose user ABC form info.
Actual Result: Iteration 5
Processing symbol get displayed while click on Submit button in ABC form. can able to edit the from text fields while it get processing.
Actual Result:Iteration 6
There is no end for this :)
Is this issue get fixed at less number of iteration, while tester write Expected Result as follows means?
Expected Result: Iteration 1
Form should submitted while click on 'Submit' button.
success message should display properly.
While click on 'Submit' button more than a time means, form should not submitted that much time.
Admin should not receives duplicate entry.
Form should not be editable while submit action processing it means.
Form should submitted properly, even if user close the application immediately.
I've write this Expected Result after a N number of iterations., Is in it possible to write the same in First iteration itself..? :)
TESTERS ARE NOT PROPHETS., If they may be some times, this case their prophesy doesnt get right at all the case.